


Watch Hill

Baggrow Fletchertown Mealsgate Watch Hill

Allhallows Parish Council

A meeting of the Allhallows Parish Council was held in the Allhallows Centre, Fletchertown,

Aspatria on Wednesday 5th February 2014 at 7.30pm.

PRESENT: Messrs. M. Abbott, DA Tinnion, G. Thompson, J. Mansfield, A. Turner, S. Read and C. Mackenzie.

Also Present: T. Gear (Clerk) and D. Wilson (Borough Councillor)

Apologies were received from S. Barton, L. Read, R. Bowness, J. Lister (County Councillor), B. Finlay (Borough Councillor) and PCSO 5214 P. Crome

Councillor M. Abbott in the Chair





17/2014 MINUTES

On the proposal of DA Tinnion and seconded by G. Thompson it was RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 8th January 2014 be approved and signed as a correct record.


There were no matters arising that were not covered later in the agenda.


A report from PCSO 5214 Peter Crome had been circulated and was summarized. Two additional Incidents were mentioned by member namely a theft from a shed and the raising of the concrete manhole covers at Gowrie.


There were no members of the public present but members still receive regular complaints of dog fouling. The clerk was asked to see if a Street Scene Officer could attend the next meeting to discuss the problem and possible solutions


i) An e-mail had been received advising that the Mayor of Allerdale was arranging the Allerdale World War 1 Commemorative Event on Saturday 10th May in Workington and would be pleased to see participation from the Town\Parish Councils.

ii) The February 2014 CALC Circular had been circulated and there were no matters arising.

iii) An e-mail acknowledgement of the complaints received from a local resident regarding dogs on the allotments had been received from Environmental Protection at Allerdale Borough Council who will investigate and respond in due course.

iv) Immediately following the last meeting an e-mail had been received from Thomas Davies resigning his position as Councillor. The adverts for a new Councillor had been published and the council was now in the position to co-opt a new Councillor.

v) An e-mail had been received from Laurie Mansfield who looks after the Councils web-site informing members that he had completed the annual update and moving last year’s documents to a new page and seeking confirmation that the details held were correct. All member to visit the site and confirm.

vi) An e-mail regarding the Public Examination of the Allerdale Plan had been circulated.

vii) A letter had been received from Citizens Advice Allerdale seeking as donation   towards the cost of its work in this area. . On the proposal of C Mackenzie and seconded by J Mansfield agreed to donate £75.00

viii) Consultation on the United Utilities Drought Plan was mentioned at this rather inappropriate time.


C. Mackenzie addressed the meeting that to date the centre had not suffered any damage as the result of the recent storms but had lost a few bookings due to the weather. The centre is hoping to have a new cooker fitted on Monday and there is the first Quiz Night of the year a week on Saturday. John and Wayne (musicians) are appearing on the 1st March and there will be a vintage clothing event at Easter


B. Finlay had sent an e-mail with his apologies in which he advises that setting the Council Tax base dominated the last meeting of Allerdale Borough Council. There were a number of wind turbine appeal decisions coming in with mixed results. He had attend most of the Public Examination of the Allerdale Plan which ends on Thursday. The Peer review of the Planning Department appears to have stalled and the removal of Street Lighting and the Allerdale’s response is to be consider by the Scrutiny Panel.

J Lister also sent an e-mail with his apologies in which he confirmed he had reported the matters from the last meeting had been reported to Better Highways and had obtained report number.

D. Wilson in addition to what B Finlay had stated informed the meeting that the Allerdale Executive were tonight considering going into partnership with a venture company to dispose of areas of land within the Borough.


Applications for consultation




25/2014 ACCOUNTS

The following accounts were approved for payment:-

Top Mark Pest Sol  Pest Control     £50.00

Citizens Advice Allerdale Donation    £75.00


Balances at    31.12.2013 Current Account          £6398.66               

31.12.2013 Deposit Account          £4,375.33

27/2014 PROJECTS

J Mansfield will be producing another edition of the Newsletter in the near future and any items should be forwarded for inclusion

Due to an increase in the rent from the landlord and the pest control it was confirmed that the annual rent would rise to £20.00 per unit. A number of tenants had surrendered their allotments which will be let to the next on the waiting list

Trees for the Jubilee Orchard had been ordered and will be planted in the next few weeks.

The small gate had been fixed but was in a poor condition. It was agreed to obtain estimates for a replacement.

The Play Park inspection report had been circulated and S Read produced a report for which he was thanked. It was agreed that the contractor would continue to replace the bark with rubber matting and a fuller inspection and decisions on some items would be made when the lighter nights arrive.

D. Wilson was still waiting for the Allerdale Engineer to arrive to see the flooding/drainage problem at Gowrie.

The firework incident had been dealt with under Correspondence


Parish Newsletter


Jubilee Orchard

Play Area

Flooding at Gowrie

Accident at Bonfire


Car Park at Allhallows Centre

Odd Job man

The meeting closed at 8.30pm

