Watch Hill
Allhallows Parish Council
T. GEAR Brandraw Mount.
Clerk Market Square.
Telephone 016973-
Web Site
23rd January 2014
Dear Councillor
A meeting of the Parish Council will be held in the Allhallows Centre, Fletchertown, Wigton on Wednesday 5th February 2014 at 7.30pm. The agenda is printed below and I hope you will be able to attend.
Yours faithfully
Trevor GEAR (Clerk)
1.To receive apologies for absence
2.To receive and report on any requests for a dispensation since the last meeting
3.To receive declarations of any Pecuniary Interests or Other Registerable Interest which is not included on their Notification of Pecuniary or Other Registerable Interest form in respect of any items on the agenda
4. To authorize the Chairman to sign the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 8th January 2014
5. Matters arising from the minutes
6. To receive a report on Police matters
7. To receive items for discussion from members of the public ( Members of the public are allowed 5 minutes to raise items at the discretion of the Chairman)
8. To receive items of correspondence
9. To receive a report on Allhallows Centre
10. To receive reports from outside bodies
11. To consider the following planning matters
(a) Applications for consultation
(b) Decisions
12. To receive a statement on the finances of the Council and authorise the payment of Accounts
13.To receive a report on the projects in hand and to consider future projects
(a) Parish Newsletter
(b) Allotments
(c) Jubilee Orchard
(d) Gate small field
(e) Play Area
(f) Flooding Gowrie
(g) Accident at Bonfire
14. Items for the next meeting