Watch Hill
Allhallows Parish Council
A meeting of the Allhallows Parish Council was held in the Allhallows Centre, Fletchertown,
Aspatria on Wednesday 2nd October 2013 at 7.30pm.
PRESENT: Messrs. M. Abbott, DA Tinnion, S. Read, G. Thompson, S. Barton, A. Turner and C. Mackenzie.
Also Present: T. Gear (Clerk), J. Lister (County Councillor), B Finlay (Borough Councillor) and PCSO 5215 Sarah Fletcher.
Apologies were received from L. Read, J. Mansfield, R. Bowness and D. Wilson (Borough Councillor)
Councillor M. Abbott in the Chair
DA Tinnion, M Abbott, and C Mackenzie all declared a registerable interest in the item respecting Allhallows Centre. J Lister and B. Finlay declared a registerable interest in items affecting Allerdale Borough Council, Aspatria Rural Partnership and in the case of J. Lister Cumbria County Council.
114/2013 MINUTES
On the proposal of DA. Tinion and seconded by S. Read it was RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 4th September 2013 be approved and signed as a correct record.
None other than those to be discussed later in the agenda
PCSO 5215 Sarah Fletcher addressed the meeting and provided a report of incidents that had occurred in the parish during the last month. She was thanked for her attendance and left the meeting.
There were no members of the public present but S. Read mentioned that there appeared to be
a problem with the SID. The Chairman would ask a local engineer to have a look at it and see if it could be rectified.
The CALC Circular for October 2013 had been circulated and there were no matters arising.
The clerk informed the meeting that the application for free trees had been successful and that the parish would be receiving 30 trees (small copse) together with guards and stays between 4th and 8th November 2013. These will be planted around the edge of the small recreation field by our contractor.
It was agreed that Allerdale Borough Council be asked to arrange the Play Park Inspection at the same price as last year -
A letter from VG Energy was summarized.
A letter from Allerdale Borough Council advising that the one off cost for a Dog Control Order for the Recreation Field including signage would be £350.00. It was agreed to proceed with our previous request for the order and that there would be community consultation through the next newsletter.
A request for funding had been received from Great North Air Ambulance. On the proposal of M. Abbott and seconded by DA Tinnion it was RESOLVED that the Council in accordance with its powers under s137 Local Government Act 1972 should incur the expenditure of £100.00 which in the opinion of the Council is in the interests of the inhabitants of the area and will benefit them in a manner commensurate with the expenditure by donation to the charity.
A request for a nomination of a representative on the North West Allerdale Neighbourhood Forum on the Grants Panel had been received from Cumbria County Council. It was unanimously agreed that the Chairman should represent the Council.
A letter from Allerdale Borough Council on the Allerdale Local Plan (Part2) – Site Allocations was summarized and details of the website were given ( allocations)
Information on pavement/footpath stencils reminding people to pick up after their dogs was discussed and it was agreed to ask for them to be applied on Grenbank Lonning and Railway Terrace, Baggrow, Watch Hill, Pine Grove and close to Allhallows Centre, Fletchertown.
A further e-
An e-
A request for funding assistance had been received from Aspatria and District First Responders. On the proposal of C Mackenzie and seconded by S Barton it was RESOLVED that the Council in accordance with its powers under s137 Local Government Act 1972 should incur the expenditure of £75.00 which in the opinion of the Council is in the interests of the inhabitants of the area and will benefit them in a manner commensurate with the expenditure by donation to the charity.
A funding request had been received from All Saints Church, Allhallows towards necessary repair work to the Tower. On the proposal of G Thompson and seconded by A Turner it was RESOLVED that the Council in accordance with its powers under s137 Local Government Act 1972 should incur the expenditure of £100.00 which in the opinion of the Council is in the interests of the inhabitants of the area and will benefit them in a manner commensurate with the expenditure by donation to the charity
C. Mackenzie addressed the meeting and advised members that things were ticking along quite steadily. The leak in the cupboard was found to be a leaking gutter. A Jazz Night is to be held on 21st October and is not to be missed. Bingo this Friday and of course Bonfire night and all were welcome.
J. Lister advised that there was not much news from the County Council and that recently he had been heavily involved in Scrutiny Committees. B Finlay reported on the last Allerdale Full Council Meeting and asked how ARP communicated with parishes. He was asked to investigate why Allerdale Green Bin Service ceases in two weeks’ time and does not resume until late February. S Barton reported on the joint work between local residents and the Environment Agency in the River Ellen in and attempt to prevent flooding in Baggrow.
Applications for consultation
122/2013 ACCOUNTS
The following accounts were approved for payment:-
CALC Good Councillor Guide £29.00
T Gear Clerks Account £421.15
HMRC Income Tax £78.14
T Gear Photocopying £31.41
WG & JB Hort Serv. Footpath/Play Park £237.49
Great North Air Amb. Donation £100.00
Aspatria & Dist. 1st Resp. Donation £75.00
All Saints Church (Tower) Donation £100.00
Balances at 31.08.2013 Current Account £4812.48
30.09.2013 Deposit Account £4,375.33
124/2013 PROJECTS
J Mansfield had produced another edition of the Newsletter which had been copied and was being circulated.
An allotment holder had moved out of the parish and the allotment was for re-
The Chairman had ascertained that the cost of fruit trees was about £20.00 including stays. It was agreed to purchase a number to supplement the free trees that were being supplied by the Woodland Trust.
There was no further news on the Anniversary Event which can be removed from the agenda for a few months.
The contractor had been instructed to re-
There is an oak tree on top of the play park drainage system causing damage which is to be removed. The contractor had completed the top rail on the small slide and the wobble board. It was agreed to reduce the size of the safety areas around some equipment and obtain estimates for replacing the bark with safety matting.
Flooding at Gowrie was still being investigated by D. Wilson.
The chairs in the Centre Car Park had been removed
Parish Newsletter
Jubilee Orchard
Play Area
Gate to small field
Flooding at Gowrie
Give Way Signs, Fletchertown
The meeting closed at 8.50pm