


Watch Hill

Baggrow Fletchertown Mealsgate Watch Hill

Allhallows Parish Council

A meeting of the Allhallows Parish Council was held in the Allhallows Centre, Fletchertown, Aspatria on Wednesday 7th November 2012 at 7.30pm.

PRESENT: Messrs. M. Abbott, G. Thompson, DA Tinnion, A. Turner, J. Mansfield, S. Barton, T. Davies, L. Douglas, R. Bowness and C. Mackenzie.

Also Present: T. Gear, D. Wilson and J. Lister

Apologies:  S. Read

Councillor M. Abbott in the Chair


The clerk reported that he had received 5 requests for a dispensation from member who wished to speak/vote on the setting of the precept.


None recorded

115/2012 MINUTES

On the proposal of  DA. Tinnion and seconded by J. Mansfield it was RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 3rd October 2012 be approved and signed as a correct record.


The clerk informed the meeting that an e-mail acknowledgement of the flooding on  the C Road between Fletchertown and Leegate had been received


A report had been received from PCSO Sarah Fletcher who sent her apologies which was summarised


There had been complaints that the road drains at the back of Allhallows Terrace and Oglanby Terrace were blocked. The clerk will report to Highways Authority.


The CALC Circular for November 2012 had been circulated and there were no matters arising.

A letter had been received from Great North Air Ambulance seeking a donation. On the proposal of M. Abbott and seconded by R. Bowness it was RESOLVED that the Council in accordance with its powers under s137 Local Government Act 1972 should incur the expenditure of £50.00 which in the opinion of the Council is in the interests of the inhabitants of the area and will benefit them in a manner commensurate with the expenditure by donation to the cause.

A letter had been received from HRMCS advising that as of April 2013 PAYE will be dealt with in real time. Further information to follow

An e-mail from the Cumbria Community Foundation regarding the Neighbourhood Care Programme was read.

Details of the CALC AGM to be held on Saturday 10th November 2012 at Carlisle Racecourse were read.

A letter from the Red Cross seeking a donation was noted.

Members were advised that their donation to Wigton Swimming Pool now had to be made payable and that the cheque had been amended

A notice that there had been an under claim of £504.00 on the concurrent grant which had now been paid into the council’s bank account.

The clerk was now in possession of the Register of Electors for the Parish

A letter introducing Allerdale Borough Council’s ‘In Touch October 2012’ magazine was mentioned


C. Mackenzie addressed the meeting and advised members that the recent children’s event was poorly attended and resulted in a loss. Jazz Night had been reasonably well attended and a good night was had by those that attended. Bonfire night was very busy and a vote of thanks was made to R Bowness on behalf of the Centre Management Committee and the Parish Council for his hard work in sourcing the fireworks, sifting the contents of the bonfire and conducting the actual display.  Donations totaling £237.00 had been received by the Parish Council towards the cost of the Fireworks. Forthcoming events include a Craft Fair, Quiz and the Castlegate Singers. It was agreed that the two remaining medals that were presented to the children of the parish for the Queens Jubilee should be donated to the Centre Archive


Cllr J Lister advised members of the progress regarding the faster Broadband Project. Cllr D Wilson advised members that little information was coming out from the administration of the Borough Council but reminded all present of the forthcoming Police Commissioner Elections.   The chairman gave a verbal report on the proposal of Aspatria Rural Partnership to employ a co-ordinator. It had been proposed that each member council donate 30p per head of population which in the case of Allhallows amounted to £175.50p.  On the proposal of J. Mansfield and seconded by R. Bowness it was agreed that the council should make such donation.


Applications for consultation

2/2012/0753   Erection of a single 30m to hub, 45m to tip wind turbine      Object

                        plus associated works.                                                      Cumulative Effect

                         Firs Farm, Crookdake, Wigton                                           Visual Amenity





123/2012 ACCOUNTS

The following accounts were approved for payment:-

Topmark Pest Solutions Pest Control      £55.00

Jimmy’s Fireworks Ltd Fireworks      £395.00

B Powley    Hedge trimming      £75.00


Balances at    31.09.2012 Current Account          £8,583.85

31.09.2012 Deposit Account          £4,343.33

125/2012 PROJECTS

J Mansfield had prepared the next edition which was available for distribution.

The hedge was in the progress of being layered.

The chairman reported that she had met with the allotment holder who has agreed to bring the allotment back into use and the clerk had received a telephone call from the hen pen holder who likewise has agreed to bring the pen into use by February 2013.

The contractor will complete the work to the seats in Fletchertown in the near future

L Douglas is preparing a plan of the proposed Jubilee Orchard for costing although concerns had been raised regarding the orchards siting because of the wet nature of the ground.

The contractor will complete the work to the obstacle course in the play park  in the near future

The storm drain opposite Leesrigg Pasture is receiving attention.


Parish Newsletter


Timber for obstacle course in play park, Fletchertown

Jubilee Orchard

Seats, Fletchertown

Records for the Archive

Lease for Allhallows Centre

Repair of Wall at rear of 1 School Gardens/Community Centre

Fencing of Recreation Field

The meeting closed at 8.30pm

