


Watch Hill

Baggrow Fletchertown Mealsgate Watch Hill

Allhallows Parish Council

A meeting of the Allhallows Parish Council was held in the Allhallows Centre, Fletchertown, Aspatria on Wednesday 3rd October 2012 at 7.30pm.

PRESENT: Messrs. M. Abbott, G. Thompson, DA Tinnion, A. Turner, J. Mansfield, S. Barton, T. Davies, S. Read, L. Douglas, R. Bowness and C. Mackenzie.

Also Present: T. Gear  

Apologies:  D. Wilson and J. Lister

Councillor M. Abbott in the Chair

102/2012 MINUTES

On the proposal of A. Turner and seconded by T. Davies it was RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 5th September 2012 be approved and signed as a correct record.


The clerk informed the meeting that a letter of acknowledgement had been received from Cumbria County Council regarding the Councils comments on the North Allerdale Traffic Regulation Order (minute 94vi/2012)


A report had been received from PCSO Sarah Fletcher who sent her apologies that was read.



J Mansfield produced a photomontage that had been prepared showing the proposed wind turbine at Leesrigg Farm to which the Council had sent a letter of objection.


An e-mail had been received advising that the decision by Allerdale, Copeland and the County Council letter on whether or not to proceed to stage 4 of the MRWS process had been deferred until January 2013.

The Calc Circular for October 2012 had been circulated.

Details of a number of Standards Training events had been circulated.  It was noted that all events now started at 6pm which made it difficult for some members to attend.

A letter had been received from Wigton Swimming Pool seeking a donation. On the proposal of M. Abbott and seconded by A. Tinnion it was RESOLVED that the Council in accordance with its powers under s137 Local Government Act 1972 should incur the expenditure of £50.00 which in the opinion of the Council is in the interests of the inhabitants of the area and will benefit them in a manner commensurate with the expenditure by donation to the cause.

An e-mail had been received suggesting amendments to agendas to take account of dispensations were noted.

An e-mail from the Treasurer of the Centre which forwarded an e-mail from Mike Cuerden was read and it was agreed that the clerk obtain estimates for the works to the boundary wall.

Guidance on Dispensations had been circulated and it was agreed to

delegate authority to the clerk in cases where the majority of members of the council would be affected by the requirement to declare a disclosable pecuniary interest

in other cases a request for dispensations would be made by the full council

all members making requests for dispensations to the clerk to be allowed to take part in and vote in setting the precept for the remainder of the council

A notice about Park Lodge Coffee Morning on 10th November 2012 was read


C. Mackenzie addressed the meeting and advised members repairs to the roof will be carried out when the weather improves. The centre had had a good quiz night and raised £200.00. There will be a Craft Fair in November along with Bonfire Night, Jazz Night and other events.


The chairman gave a report on the Neighbourhood Forum held on 19th September in the Community Centre, Aspatria. There were talks by the Fire Service, the Police and the Grants Panel. S Read and L Douglas gave a report on the MRWS meeting held on the 6th September in Cockermouth. It would appear that all the speakers agreed that the government were going about finding a site back to front.



Applications for consultation




109/2012 ACCOUNTS

The following accounts were approved for payment:-

T Gear    Clerks Account   £401.04

HRMC    Income Tax      £78.14

T Gear    Photocopying      £20.32

Allhallows Centre  Room Hire      £33.00


Balances at    31.08.2012 Current Account          £4,911.18            

31.08.2012 Deposit Account          £4,343.33

111/2012 PROJECTS

J Mansfield will prepare the next edition shortly.

The hedge will be layered in the near future.

Concerns were raised that Allotment no.  and Hen Pen no.   were not being used and the clerk was asked to write and inform the tenants that as there is a waiting list the Allotment/Hen Pen must be used or their tenancy will be terminated when it come up for renewal in February 2013.

The contractor will complete the work to the seats in Fletchertown in the near future

L Douglas is preparing a plan of the proposed Jubilee Orchard for costing.

The contractor will complete the work to the obstacle course in the play park  in the near future

The storm drain opposite Leesrigg Pasture is receiving attention.


Parish Newsletter


Timber for obstacle course in play park, Fletchertown

Jubilee Orchard

Seats, Fletchertown

Best Kept Garden

Drains opposite Leesrigg Pasture

Lease for Allhallows Centre

The meeting closed at 8.30pm

