


Watch Hill

Baggrow Fletchertown Mealsgate Watch Hill

Allhallows Parish Council

A meeting of the Allhallows Parish Council was held in the Allhallows Centre, Fletchertown, Aspatria on Wednesday 5th September 2012 at 7.30pm.

PRESENT: Messrs. M. Abbott, G. Thompson, DA Tinnion, A. Turner, T. Davies, S. Read, L. Douglas and C. Mackenzie.

Also Present: T. Gear, D. Wilson, B. Finlay, J. Lister and several members of the public


Apologies:  J. Mansfield

Councillor M. Abbott in the Chair

Before the meeting commenced the Chair welcomed members of the public and presented the Best Kept Garden Certificates and Prizes.

90/2012 MINUTES

On the proposal of L Douglas and seconded by DA Tinnion it was RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 4th July 2012 be approved and signed as a correct record.


The clerk informed the meeting that a letter of thanks had been received from Aspatria First Responders for the £50.00 donation (minute 82viii/2012)


A report had been received from PCSO Sarah Fletcher who sent her apologies.



C Mackenzie reported that it had been brought to her attention that there was a bar missing on the big slide which could make it dangerous for small children. The clerk was asked to resolve this problem.


A letter had been received from Cumbria County Council introducing ‘Local News and Views’ a copy of which was available for member attention

The clerk advised that the second instalment of the precept had been received.

A letter had been received from the Audit Commission advising that BDO LLP had been appointed External Auditor for 2012/13

A letter introducing the Final Report of the West Cumbria MRWS Partnership was read and a copy of the report was made available to members.

The Calc Circulars for July/August/September had been circulated and there were no matters arising.

A letter had been received from Cumbria County Council regarding the North Allerdale Traffic Regulation Review. There was no objection to the proposal that effect the parish but members asked that the signage be at the junction of the B5299 and George Moore Avenue rather than its present location some distance along the road which made it difficult for HGV’s to turn around

An e-mail had been received regarding consultation on Allerdale Borough Council’s Statement of Gambling Policy

Details of a meeting to discuss Nuclear Waste Issues had been received which was to take place at 6.30pm on 6th September at the Eco Centre, Cockermouth. A number of councillors indicated that they would be attending

The clerk brought to attention the results of the external audit which indicated the accounts were in accordance with proper practices and there were no matter that gave cause for concern.

A letter had been received from the Environmental Warden of Allerdale Borough Council asking for areas to be nominated for Dog Control Orders. The Recreation Field and small field adjacent to the centre were nominated for Dog Bans. Estimates were to be obtained for securing the Recreation Field.

A letter had been received from The Local Government Boundary Commission for England which detailed its proposals for Cumbria County Council which were read to the meting

A poster with no explanation had been received from Allerdale Borough Council about ‘Committed to working with local communities.

A letter from Cumbria County Council regarding its new ‘A’ Boards and Street Café Licences was read and noted.


C. Mackenzie addressed the meeting and advised members that it was a busy time in the centre. The recent Art Exhibition had raised £543.00. The 5 year electrical check was due. The roof was in need of some remedial work which is estimated to cost £320.00. On the proposal of G Thompson and seconded by S Read it was agreed that as owners of the building the Parish Council should pay for the repairs. (A Tinnion, M Abbott L Douglas and A Turner declare an interest as members of the Centre Committee and did not vote).l There will be a quiz night on 29th September and all were welcome.


J Lister addressed the meeting and informed members that he had been at a meeting of the County Council when they had discussed at length the MRWS report. A discussion then took place about the consultation on the repository its possible location and the likely impact on the parish. At the conclusion it was agreed that the clerk should write to the Leader of the Borough Council calling upon them to with draw their interest in hosting the facility and not to proceed to Stage 4.

B Finlay informed the meeting he had attended an anti poverty workshop and that in future all wind turbine applications would go to the Development Panel of the Borough Council. Concern was also expressed regarding the imminent closure of the butchers in Aspatria and the poor state of businesses within the town. Members were informed that talks were taking place between the Town Centre Manager and the Town Council. B Finlay and A Turner reported on their experience at recent workshop about Health watch.


Applications for consultation

2/2012/0635  Erection of wind turbine Leesrigg Farm,  Object as per original

Mealsgate, Wigton (Resubmission) application.  Cumulative effect

        Visual Amenity

        Need etc

B. Finlay declared a personal interest but left the meeting.



98/2012 ACCOUNTS

The following accounts were approved for payment:-

B Powley   Grasscutting (August)   £219.00

B Powley   Footpath (Maintenance)  £175.00

B Powley   Grasscutting (Sept)   £219.00

Top Marks Pest Solutions Pest Control      £55.00

BDO   External Audit    £162.00

United Utilities  Water Rates      £31.33

C Bouch Ltd    Flowers(Best Kept Garden Judge)   £15.00


Balances at    31.07.2012 Current Account          £5305.18               

31.07.2012 Deposit Account          £4,343.33

100/2012 PROJECTS

J Mansfield will prepare the next edition shortly.

An estimate had been received of £400.00 to layer the hedge and erect a stock proof fence along the western boundary of the Recreation Field. On the proposal of L Douglas and seconded by A Turner it was agreed to accept the estimate.

Mr. Kirkman and Ms Veitch were getting on with Hen Pen 8. Mr. Rumney’s widow has indicated that Garden 10 can be re-let. It was agreed that it should be offered to Morganan Taylor. Concern was expressed at the condition of Garden 8 and the clerk was asked to write to the tenant to either tidy up the garden or return it so that it can be used by others.

The clerk to speak again to the contractor ask him to complete the seats in Fletchertown

L Douglas is to prepare a plan of the proposed Jubilee Orchard for costing.

The clerk to speak to the contractor about  the wood for the obstacle course

A discussion on road safety issues at Gowrie ended with an agreement to continue to monitor the situation.


Parish Newsletter


Timber for obstacle course in play park, Fletchertown

Jubilee Orchard

Seats, Fletchertown

Best Kept Garden

Drains opposite Leesrigg Pasture

The meeting closed at 9.10pm

