Watch Hill
Allhallows Parish Council
A meeting of the Allhallows Parish Council was held in the Allhallows Centre, Fletchertown, Aspatria on Wednesday 4th July 2012 at 7.30pm.
PRESENT: Messrs. M. Abbott, G. Thompson, DA Tinnion, A. Turner, R. Bowness, S. Barton, J. Mansfield, T. Davies, S. Read, L. Douglas and C. Mackenzie.
Also Present: T. Gear, D. Wilson, B. Finlay, PCSO Sarah Fletcher, J. Lister and seven members of the public
Councillor M. Abbott in the Chair
Before the meeting commenced the Chair welcomed Tom Davies our newly co-
78/2012 MINUTES
On the proposal of DA. Tinnion and seconded by R. Bowness it was RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 6th June 2012 be approved and signed as a correct record.
The clerk informed the meeting there had been no further communication on the proposed counter closures by Cumbria Constabulary (minute 82iv/2012)
TGC Renewables had now reduced their proposal for three wind turbines at Firs Farm, Crookdake to one turbine. Members advised that the application had now been withdrawn
(minute 70ii/2012)
A report had been received from PCSO Sarah Fletcher who attended in person to answer member’s questions.
Members heard from Marion Fitzgerald from FORCE, Adrian Brown, Andy Wilson and Mr. Rylands regarding their views on a Planning Application for a wind turbine at Leesrigg Farm, Mealsgate.
A letter had been received from the Allhallows Community Centre thanking the Council for its donation towards the Big Jubilee Lunch which had been a fantastic event.
The clerk summarized an e-
A letter had been received from Cumbria County Council regarding travel and access needs in our area. J Mansfield asked that the clerk respond seeking the re-
The meeting was made aware of Cumbria County Councils consultation on the Cumbria Minerals and Waste Local Plan
The Calc Circular for June 2012 had been circulated and there were no matters arising.
A letter had been received from Action with Communities giving details of their AGM and seeking membership
A brochure had been received regarding the Tallentire Wind Farm
A letter had been received from Aspatria 1st Responders seeking a donation towards their running costs. On the proposal of G Thompson and seconded by M Abbott it was RESOLVED that the Council in accordance with its powers under s137 Local Government Act 1972 should incur the expenditure of £50.00 which in the opinion of the Council is in the interests of the inhabitants of the area and will benefit them in a manner commensurate with the expenditure by donation to the charity.
The clerk brought to attention the changes to the Code of Conduct made by the Localism Act that the council were required to adopted, After a discussion it was agreed that the new code be adopted. The clerk informed the meeting that a new Declaration of Pecuniary Interest Form needs completion but as the legislation had been rushed through they were not available. When received they will be posted out and must be completed and returned to the clerk within 28 days.
C. Mackenzie addressed the meeting and advised members that leaks had been traced and repairs and replacement guttering were in hand. There had been an excellent pamper evening last Friday which raised £600. There is a table top sale on 21st July, a two week Art Exhibition during the last two weeks of August and a Quiz Night in September
J Lister addressed the meeting and asked if there were any problems that need his attention the clerk should contact him.
B Finlay informed the meeting he was now on Allerdale Borough Council’s Scrutiny Committee. He also mentioned that members should look out for consultation on the National Grids proposals for new power lines that may affect the parish.
The chair and A Turner had attended an event on Allerdale Borough Councils proposed Core Strategy. It had been noted that most villages will be able to grow by 6% but that Baggrow and Watchill had not been included in the list. The clerk was asked to respond accordingly. It had also been noted that the tone of the plan was that Wigton would become the centre for North Allerdale and that Aspatria and Silloth would play a smaller role which also should be also opposed and commented upon.
DA Tinnion asked member to distribute a newsletter from Park Lodge, Aspatria
Applications for consultation
2/2012/0425 Erection of wind turbine Leesrigg Farm, Object
Mealsgate, Wigton Cumulative effect
Visual Amenity
Need etc
B. Finlay declared a personal interest but left the meeting.
86/2012 ACCOUNTS
The following accounts were approved for payment:-
B Powley Grasscutting £219.00
T Gear Clerks Account £438.98
HRMC Income Tax £78.14
Aspatria First Responders Donation £50.00
Balances at
31.03.2012 Current Account £2,391.82
31.03.2012 Deposit Account £4,343.33
88/2012 PROJECTS
J Mansfield will prepare the next edition shortly.
There had been no contract from Mr. Perrott and it was decided to offer Mr. & Mrs. Veitch the remainder of Hen Pen 8 and as there were financial implications for the new tenants in providing fence there would be no charge until February 2013.
The clerk had spoken to the contractor who will complete the seats in Fletchertown
The Chairman had yet to speak to the farmer regarding the fence and laying the hedge
L Douglas is to prepare a plan of the proposed Jubilee Orchard for costing.
The contractor had sourced the wood for the obstacle course which will be completed shortly
It was agreed that another item on the Best Kept Garden will be featured in the newsletter and a judge will be identified.
Parish Newsletter
Timber for obstacle course in play park, Fletchertown
Jubilee Orchard
Seats, Fletchertown
Best Kept Garden
Drains at Gowrie
The meeting closed at 9.00pm