Watch Hill
Allhallows Parish Council
Web Site
20th October 2020
Dear Councillor
A meeting of Allhallows Parish Council will be held in the Allhallows Community Centre (Main Hall), Fletchertown on Wednesday 4th November 2020 at 7.00pm. The agenda is printed below, and I hope you will be able to attend.
Yours faithfully
Trevor GEAR (Clerk)
1. Apologies
To receive apologies for absence
2. Declaration of Interests
(i) Register of Interests: Councillor’s are reminded of the need to update their register of interests.
(ii) To declare any personal interests in any item on the agenda and their nature.
(iii) To declare any prejudicial interests in any item on the agenda and their nature. (Councillor’s with prejudicial interests must leave the room for the relevant item(s))
3. Minutes
To consider the approval of the minutes of the last meeting of the Council held on 2nd September 2020 (copy attached)
4. Police Matters
To receive a report on Police matters that affect the Parish.
5. Public Participation
To receive items from members of the public (members of the public are allowed 5 minutes to raise items at the discretion of the Chairman)
6. Correspondence for information
To receive items of correspondence received since the last meeting
7. Clerk’s report
To receive a report from the clerk on any actions taken since the last meeting.
8. Allhallows Centre
To receive a report on Allhallows Centre
9. Borough and County Councillor’s reports
To receive reports from outside bodies including
Councillor Johnson
Councillor Lister
10. Planning
To consider the following planning matters
(i) Applications for consultation
(ii) Decisions
(iii) Appeals
(vi) Any other planning related correspondence:
(a) Planning for the Future
11. Accounts
(i) To receive a statement of the finances of the Council (copy attached)
(ii) To authorise the payment of Accounts.
12. Councillor’s holding Portfolio’s
To consider any reports from councillors holding portfolios: -
Councillor Bowness – Allotments
Councillor Edmondson – Play Park
Councillor Barton – Flooding
Councillor Mansfield – Outside bodies
13. VE DAY 75
To discuss any deferred arrangements for the above.
14. Vacancies
To discuss any applications for co-
15. Speeding B5299
To discuss any update from Highways
16. Parking -
To consider any proposal to ease the parking situation in Fletchertown
17. Noticeboard -
To consider the condition of the above
18. Footway Lighting
To discuss any update respecting the above.
19. Financial Regulations 2020
To approve the amended Financial Regulations 2020
20. Gulley’s, Baggrow
To discuss the above
21. Appeal – Allotment 8A
To consider an appeal against the council’s decision not to renew the tenancy of the above
21. Hedge Cutting, West Street, Fletchertown
To discuss the above
22. Grass cutting contract 2021
To discuss the above
23. Building Works – Allhallows Centre
To re consider the above.
24. Baggrow Lonning
To receive an update on the above.
25. Budget – Precept 2021
To receive a draft budget and to set the Precept for 2021/22.
26. Progress Reports
To receive a report on the projects in hand and to consider future projects
(i) Parish Newsletter (Clerk) (Articles by mid-
27. Councillor reports and items for future agenda
Each Councillor is requested to use this opportunity to report minor matters of
information not included elsewhere on the agenda and to raise items for
discussion at the next meeting
28. Date and time of next meeting
7.00pm Wednesday 4th January 2021 at Allhallows Centre, Fletchertown