Watch Hill
Allhallows Parish Council
Chairman’s Report 2017/18
Welcome to the Annual Parish Meeting. Another 12 months have passed, and the council continue to work really hard on behalf of the residents of our Parish. We continue to work with agencies to ensure that everything that can be done, to alleviate the flooding issues within the Parish is being implemented. We also strive to support the work of the newly founded flood group within the Parish.
We continue to raise awareness regarding the B5299 and the constant use of large HGVs which use it.
The council’s handyman continues to help to upkeep the seats, notice boards and fencing within the Parish.
Allotments and Hen Pens
These continue to be very popular with more people wanting to grow their own vegetables etc. Last year we had a couple of outbreaks of Avian Flu however thankfully that has now gone!
Play Park
The playpark continues to be well used and well supported. We have our regular equipment checks completed by Allerdale and the Parish Council take any action proposed by them to ensure the safety of all of the children who use it.
Allhallows Centre
The Community Centre is growing from strength to strength every year and is an asset to the community and the management committee who work really hard organising the different events each year. All of these efforts contribute to helping to bring the community together. The structural work which is still ongoing will hopefully be done in the next 12 months.
A quarterly newsletter continues to be produced by our Clerk Trevor Gear. It is a good way of updating the community on the work of the Parish Council. Parishioners are always welcome to the Parish Council meetings if they wish to discuss anything within the villages.
The council continue to support local causes providing it is for the good of the parish. We have supported Great North Air Ambulance, Wigton Baths, Allhallows Church, Aspatria and District First Responders, all of which we as a Parish have benefited from. Once again, I have enjoyed my past year as Chair of the Parish Council, and it has been made much easier by the huge support I receive from the whole of the Parish Council team, so many thanks for your continued support and attendance. Lastly but no means least, a huge thank you to Trevor our Clerk and Ricky Bowness our Vice Chair.