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Allhallows Parish Newsletter
Grant Award for Allhallows Community Centre
Great news for Allhallows Community Centre, just before Christmas the committee heard they had been successful in securing a grant from Lottery Awards for All, the grant for just under £10,000.00 is to replace the outdated heating in the main hall, which has not been working properly for some time and given its age was unable to be repaired.
Work started straight away, the boiler which will run the heating has been installed, it is hoped that new heaters will be installed and all works completed early January.
Thanks to everyone involved and to all the people who use the centre for your patience and perseverance, with lack of adequate heating and during the work.
Avian Influenza
Residents should be aware of the risks of avian influenza (Bird flu) and action that is required to reduce them. If you keep poultry – whether on a commercial scale or simply a small backyard flock – you are now required by law to keep them “housed” (under cover and kept separate from wild birds). DEFRA have also banned gatherings of poultry across the UK.
Driving and parking on the pavements
It has been brought to the Council’s attention that some residents are parking and driving along pavements particularly in Fletchertown. Not only is this a danger to pedestrians but it is illegal and the Police have been informed.
Christmas Craft Afternoon
Thank you to everyone who attended the Christmas craft afternoon on Sunday 18th December, a good time was had by all with lovely Christmas crafts, wreaths and table decorations being made. A total of £222 was raised for the Allhallows senior citizens.
Allhallows Community Centre – Quiz night
Come and join us for our popular quiz night with pie and pea supper (bar available) 19:30 on Saturday 11th February 2017. To book please contact Caroline McKenzie on 016973 71103.
BT have been working on their Connecting Cumbria project, laying fibre to many villages and hamlets across the county. Now 90% of properties can upgrade to ‘superfast’ broadband. However, households must contact a service provider to upgrade their service, and it doesn’t always cost more. The benefits to residents and businesses are around faster download/upload times and the ability to have more devices using wi fi simultaneously.
However, there is a further important point. The more people sign up for fibre broadband, indicating a need for the service, the more money is made available for continuing to lay fibre cable to the harder to reach properties. Without people using the service, BT cannot make the case for more funding.
There is also an issue with people not knowing that their local cabinet is enabled, and therefore not realising they can upgrade their broadband service. If your parish has been connected to the fibre network here:
January 2017
PCSO Peter Crome attended the meeting and gave an overview of the new reporting procedure to parish councils.
The council received an update on flooding issues that affect the parish together with the progress being made.
Dog fouling particularly in Fletchertown remains a problem and is being investigated by the Borough council.
Patching work on the B5299 will take place soon.
Allhallows Centre is in the process of having new heating installed in the hall.
The council responded to the ABC Budget consultations. now completed
December 2016
The North-
The council agreed to donate £350.00 towards the cost of grass cutting at All Saints Church.
There was to be a meeting at 2pm on 8th December 2016 in the local Links at Aspatria to discuss the future of the Local Links and Library
November 2016
The council agreed to donate £75 to Great North Air Ambulance. There is a consultation event regarding National Grid North West Connections Project on 22nd November at Aspatria Rugby Club. Feedback was given from the recent meeting with the ‘Success Regime’ which prompted the Council to respond.
A verbal report was given on the recent meeting with Cumbria County Council regarding flooding in the parish. Estimates were awaited for works to Allhallows Centre and All Saints Churchyard. A report was received on a meeting with the M.P. regarding Broadband
There remain two vacancies on the Council