


Watch Hill

Baggrow Fletchertown Mealsgate Watch Hill

Allhallows Parish Council

A meeting of the Allhallows Parish Council was held in the Allhallows Centre, Fletchertown, Aspatria on Wednesday 3rd September 2014 at 7.30pm.

PRESENT: Messrs. M. Abbott, DA Tinnion, R. Bowness, L. Read, G. Thompson, S Read, G Edmondson, C Mackenzie and A. Turner.

Also Present: T. Gear (Clerk)

Apologies were received from J. Mansfield, D. Wilson (Borough Councillor) and B. Finlay (Borough Councillor)  

Councillor M. Abbott in the Chair

Before the commencement of the meeting the Chairman presented the certificates and prizes to the winners of the Best Kept Garden Competition 2014. She thanked all that had made a splendid effort throughout the parish.

The Chairman also introduced Gill Edmondson who had been co-opted as Councillor.



107/2014 MINUTES

On the proposal of DA Tinnion and seconded by R Bowness and it was RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 2nd July 2014 be approved and signed as a correct record.


PCSO Crome was unable to attend but submitted an informative report that had been circulated to members for their information. Members were concerned about a recent spate of burglaries and were informed of recent incidents of attacks on diesel vehicles


Concern was raised regarding the smell from what a local farmer was spreading on the fields near the village. Environmental Health and the Environment Agency were investigating.


i  The September 2014 CALC Circular had been circulated.

ii  The Deed of Grant between the Council and Mr. Pegler had now been completed and was registered on both the Council’s and Mr. Pegler’s title at Land Registry.

iii  A letter had been received from All Saints Church, Mealsgate seeking assistance with funding to have the War Memorial at All Saints’ Churchyard cleaned and re-painted during this centenary year.

iv  A response from the County Council to Miss Plunkett’s letter to the Council was read. Members had also been made aware of the proposal to extend the 40mph speed limit on the B5299 towards Fletchertown. Members were opposed to any change as it would mean vehicles travelling faster towards the sharp bend and play park and considered the cost was a waste of money. The clerk was asked to contact County Highways and to see what percentage of the higher and lower speeds were discounted as it was felt that resident and visitors to Pine Grove would skew the average recorded speeds

v  CALC  AGM is to be held at 7,00pm on 25th September at Allerdale House   

vi  The second part of the Precept amounting to £4,249.99 was due in the bank on the 1st September.

vii  An e-mail had been received from CALC regarding the External Audit and Data Transparency. This was summarized by the clerk.

viii  Members were made aware of the National Grid consultation regarding the route of the large pylons carrying the supply from the nuclear plant at Moorside to Carlisle. There will be an event on 1st October between 1pm and 8pm in the Allhallows Centre.

ix  Members had been circulated the NALC Legal Briefing on the Bribery Act 2010 and its impact on local councils.

x  Members were invited to attend training on Playground Inspections but nobody was available.


The clerk gave a report on matters that had arisen since the last meeting  


C. Mackenzie addressed the meeting and informed members that there were problems with the very old heating system and that parts were now out of stock. The Committee are seeking grants but there could be an issue before a grant is secured. There is a quiz night 0n 27th September. Although the centre had lost one group they had gained three in its place (toddlers group, craft group and bible meetings)

A letter had been received seeking information about the council for the centre website together with a link to the council’s website. The clerk to deal.


J Lister informed the meeting that both local hospitals were in ‘Special Measures’ and asked the meeting that if there were any health issues that he be informed as he sits on the committee. He was asked to take up with the Highways Authority extending the kerbs at the entrance to the play park as water from the road at this point was entering the play park making it very wet.

Although B Finlay was absent he had sent a report which was read by the clerk and covered Brayton Anniversary Event, Rural Footway Lighting, Motion to the Borough Council, Rural Housing, Locality Working and Planning site allocations, ARP AGM and HGV campaign which was noted


Applications for consultation

2/2014/0525 Variation to condition 2 of approval 2/2012/0635  Change of turbine type       Leesrigg Farm, Mealsgate, Aspatria

   Object as per original application

2/2014/0601 Erection of single storey front extension and two storey rear extension 5 South View, Watch Hill, Aspatria

No objections



(c) Appeals

2/2014/0269 Erection of turbine and associated infrastructure Waverbank, Wigton


115/2014 ACCOUNTS

The following accounts were approved for payment:-

B Powley   Grasscutting (July)     234.00

AST Signs   Car Park Sign        54.90

Allhallows Centre  Rent        16.50

Top Marks Pest Control Pest Control       50.00

Various   Best Kept Garden Prizes   140.00

WG & JB Hort Serv  Footpath Strimming    175.00

CALC    Clerks Forum          5.00

United Utilities  Water Rates        60.17

B Powley   Grasscutting (August)     234.00

Allhallows Centre  Rent          24.00

All Saints Church  Donation (War Memorial)    120.00


Balances at    

31.7.14 Current Account      6480.03

31.7.14 Deposit Account      4397.21


Members discussed the proposal by the Borough Council to identify land between Crummock Close and High Leas for housing. Concerns were raised about road safety due to the proximity of the land to a blind brow of a hill outside of the 30mph limit. It was agreed that this could be dealt with at the detailed planning stage if an application was to be forthcoming.


A letter had been received from the Management Committee seeking and supporting the Council’s action to secure removal of HGV from the centre car park. A sign had been purchased and erected restricting the use to those attending the centre.


The clerk had at the recent Clerks Forum discovered that some other council operate the portfolio system for councillor’s. It was agreed that more detailed proposals be brought to the next meeting.


a  Any articles for the next Newsletter should be passed to J Mansfield.

b  A letter had been received from a resident who was concerned that an allotment holder was sub-letting part of their allotment and querying whether that was in order. It was agreed that this was not in accordance with the conditions of licence and that the clerk should write and inform the parties involved. R. Bowness will clear allotment no 1 which can be offered to let.

c  The Chair, Vice Chair and clerk had met the clerk and discussed a number of issues including top soil and grass seeding the former bark pits, removal of some small trees and extending the grass cutting back to the recreation field boundary. The clerk and chairman were looking at options for the replacement of the two slides. Concern was also raised that water from the road was travelling into the play park making it very wet. It was suggested that extending the kerbs a short distance would prevent this ingress. J. Lister is to raise the matter with the Highways Authority

d  Flooding at Gowrie was in hand and J. Lister is to provide a report at the next meeting.

e  The clerk had had received a letter about the firework incident advising that the claim had been referred to the firm that had sold the firework. The clerk had sought confirmation that our insurers did not plan any extra conditions to the policy in view of the incident and was verbally assured that would not be the case. He asked for it to be confirmed in writing but to date this has not been received. R Bowness to arrange a meeting for the subcommittee.

f  Enquires are in hand to recruit an odd job man.

g  Estimates are being obtained for replacement noticeboards within the parish.


As the November meeting falls on the 5th November (Bonfire Night) it was agreed to hold the meeting on 12th November.


Parish Newsletter


Play Area

Flooding at Gowrie


 Broadband update

 Apologies from S. Read and L Read

The meeting closed at 9.15pm

