


Watch Hill

Baggrow Fletchertown Mealsgate Watch Hill

Allhallows Parish Council

A meeting of the Allhallows Parish Council was held in the Allhallows Centre, Fletchertown, Aspatria on Wednesday 2nd July 2014 at 7.30pm.

PRESENT: Messrs. M. Abbott, DA Tinnion, S. Barton, R. Bowness, L. Read, G. Thompson and A. Turner.

Also Present: T. Gear (Clerk), D. Wilson (Borough Councillor) and PCSO Peter Crome

Apologies were received from S. Read, J. Mansfield, C. Mackenzie and B. Finlay (Borough Councillor)  

Councillor M. Abbott in the Chair





94/2014 MINUTES

On the proposal of DA Tinnion and seconded by R Bowness and it was RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 4th June 2014 be approved and signed as a correct record.


There were no matters arising apart from those that are shown as items elsewhere on the agenda


PCSO Crome addressed the meeting and informed the meeting of incidents that had occurred in the parish during the last month. Speeding along the B5299 by Pine Grove was discussed with the officer who outlined the Community Speed Watch Scheme. He was thanked for his attendance and left the meeting.


A letter had been received from a resident of Pine Grove who was concerned about the speed of traffic that exceeds the 40mph speed limit in this built up area. This was dealt with under police matters



i  The July and August 2014 CALC Circular had just been received and will be circulated.

ii  A letter had been received from Mr. & Mrs. Pegler solicitors Beaty and Co which were both read together with a proposed Deed of Grant which was discussed and apart from two issues (the address of the council and the definition of the expression for ‘all purposes’) the Deed was agreed. The Chairman and Vice Chair were authorized to sign it on behalf of the Council

iii  An e-mail had been received seeking the council’s support for a proposal that Town/Parish Councils should be allowed to sell electricity from local power generation schemes. Members agreed to support the proposal.

iv  An e-mail seeking any proposed alterations to the County Highways winter maintenance had been received and was noted.

v  An email had been received from CALC seeking interest for a training session on Playground Inspections. Members agreed to support the proposal by provisionally booking one place and for which they would be willing to pay £50.00.

vi  An e-mail had been received from the owner of a commercial vehicle that was parked in the centre car park. The contents were noted and it was agreed that the vehicle should be removed along with the other van that had recently returned.


In the absence of C. Mackenzie the chair reported that there was nothing pressing. There had been a good quiz night in June and a Craft weekend was coming up.


D. Wilson advised the meeting that there was nothing to report from Allerdale apart from the fact that he had gone to speak to the Leader on local matters and that he had refused to see him.

A. Turner reported that she had gone to the CALC three tier meeting on the 19th June at Wigton which had been quite a heated affair. The main points included the United Utilities Water Plan that the government had found not good enough, footway lighting, dog fouling and Superfast Broadband.


Applications for consultation

Proposed Wind Turbine at Threapland Lees Farm, Threapland

A letter had been received as part of the pre-application consultation on the above proposal. Members agreed to object on the basis of cumulative effect, adverse effect on visual amenity and the fact that the majority of the parish are opposed to the proliferation land based turbines



102/2014 ACCOUNTS

The following accounts were approved for payment:-

Technix Ltd   Play area matting    339.00

B Powley   Grasscutting (June)     234.00

B Powley   Grasscutting (July)     234.00

T Gear    Clerks account     454.31

HMRC    Income Tax        78.92

T Gear    Photocopying          6.24


Balances at        31.05.14 Current Account          £8,193.83

                        31.05.14 Deposit Account          £4,397.21

104/2014 PROJECTS

a  Any articles for the next Newsletter should be passed to J Mansfield.

b  All allotments/hen pens holders that had been written to had tidied up their plots. The clerk was asked to write to the holder of Hen Pen 15 regarding the long grass seeking a remedy.

c  Estimates for the drainage working the Play Park were still being sought. A meeting is to be arranged between the Chair and S. read to discuss the maintenance of the play park.

d  Flooding at Gowrie was in hand and J. Lister is to provide a report at the next meeting.

e  The clerk had had no further communication on the firework incident. R. Bowness, L. Read and S. Barton agreed to form a sub-committee to oversee this year’s bonfire event

f  Members were read a letter from Gill Edmondson and on the proposal of G Thompson and seconded by A Turner it was RESOLVED to co-opt Gill Edmondson as a Allhallows parish Councillor

g  The clerk is to pursue the removal of the commercial vehicles being stored on the Allhallows Center car park and arrange for a sign to be erected at the entrance.

h  Enquires are in hand to recruit an odd job man.


Parish Newsletter


Play Area

Flooding at Gowrie

Accident at Bonfire



The meeting closed at 8.45pm

