Watch Hill
Allhallows Parish Council
A meeting of the Allhallows Parish Council was held in the Allhallows Centre, Fletchertown, Aspatria on Wednesday 4th June 2014 at 7.30pm.
PRESENT: Messrs. M. Abbott, DA Tinnion, S. Barton, R. Bowness, L. Read, J. Mansfield and C. Mackenzie.
Also Present: T. Gear (Clerk), J. Lister (County Councillor) and one member of the public
Apologies were received from S. Read, G. Thompson, A Turner, B. Finlay (Borough Councillor) and D. Wilson (Borough Councillor),
Councillor M. Abbott in the Chair
78/2014 MINUTES
On the proposal of DA Tinnion and seconded by R Bowness and it was RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 7th May 2014 be approved and signed as a correct record.
There were no matters arising apart from those that are shown as items elsewhere on the agenda
PCSO Crome had tendered his apologies and had forwarded an update of incidents together with a copy of the latest newsletter. These had been circulated to members and there were no matters arising
A member of the public raised the forthcoming wind turbine planning application which will be heard by Allerdale Borough Council Development on Tuesday at Allerdale House.
The condition of the footpath outside of 4 George Moore Avenue Fletchertown was raised on behalf of a resident which is being dealt with by Cumbria County Council Highways.
An anonymous photograph of the inconsiderate parking of a United Utilities van and trailer on the payment in the village was also raised.
i The June 2014 CALC Circular had been circulated and there were no matters arising.
ii A letter had been received from Mr. & Mrs. Pegler and their solicitors Beaty and Co which were both read and discussed. It was agreed that the gate to the rear of the Allhallows Centre will removed and the cones in the car park will also be removed. It was also agreed that on the evidence contained in the letter from Beaty and Co and local knowledge that Mr. & Mrs. Pegler may have a restricted vehicular access across the councils land to park on their own land but if they wished to extend or formalize this right then they should make the proper application at their own expense.
iii Information had been received from Sandra Wiggins, Victim Advocate introducing The Office of Victim Services that was noted
iv Information had been circulated about how to protect a Community Asset which was noted.
v An email had been received advising that the consultation on the National Grid North West Coast Connections will commence in the autumn.
vi A letter from Allerdale Borough Council advising of a proposed Dog Exclusion Order on the Recreation Field was progressing
C. Mackenzie addressed the meeting and informed members that the committee were struggling on and that they were seeking quotes for upgrading the heating with a view to obtain grants for the work. There will be a quiz night on Saturday 14th June
Rachel Chapman and Anita Barker addressed the meeting and gave an overview of the work of the Commissioning Group including their work on the 5 year plan. They sought the views on member on how the NHS could be improved. A discussion took place during which the ladies took notes and at the conclusion both ladies were thanked for their presentation.
J Lister informed members of the County Council Area Plan and asked for member’s views for the next meeting of what needs to be retained in the area. He advised member that he had reported the highways issues raised at the last meeting and was waiting for a reply. He also mentioned the proposal to move the 30 mph limit and sign on the B5299 closer to Fletchertown. Member felt that it should be retained in its present location and was a waste of ratepayer’s money to move the limit and sign for no gain. After a brief discussion it was decided to wait for the consultation and to make the council’s views known at that time.
Applications for consultation
2/2014/0314 Supplementary Slurry Store, Priestcroft Farm, Mealsgate, Wigton
No objections
87/2014 ACCOUNTS
The following accounts were approved for payment:-
B Powley Grass cutting (May) 234.00
L Mansfield Website 150.00
United Utilities Water Rates 10.47
J.W. Sewell New Small Gate 97.00
B Powley Weeding and spraying 80.00
Balances at 31.04.14 Current Account £9,526.33
31.04.14 Deposit Account £4,397.21
Members had been circulated with a copy of the model Financial Regulations and it was agreed that they will be adopted by the Council with immediate effect.
90/2014 PROJECTS
a Any articles for the next Newsletter should be passed to J Mansfield.
b There had been a number of transfers leaving allotment no.1 as the only one not let. Concerns had been raised regarding the long grass on allotments 4 and 8 and a pen had been placed on the communal path outside of Hen Penh no7. The clerk was asked to write to the tenants seeking a remedy.
c The new gate on the small field is now complete.
d The contractor advised that when UU attended the leak in the play park they said it was not from their pipe. He also advised that work was needed to connect up the source of the water to the existing drainage system in the play park. He had also drawn attention to the water from the highways that was running into the entrance to the play park and suggested extending the kerbs in that area. It was agreed to obtain some estimates for the work
e Flooding at Gowrie was in hand and D Wilson is to provide a report at the next meeting.
f The clerk had had no further communication on this matter. As the date of the next bonfire was approaching the clerk was asked to write to the Insurers and obtain an update and seek confirmation that they will provide cover at the next display
g Members were reminded that there was a vacancy and that anybody interested in the position should write to the clerk
h A notice had been put on the commercial vehicle that appears abandoned in the Centre car park seeking removal within 7 days.
i There had been no response to the article that had been placed in the Binsey Beacon for an odd job man. There being only one applicant which was a commercial business it was decided that it was too expensive for what is required.
Parish Newsletter
Play Area
Flooding at Gowrie
Accident at Bonfire
The meeting closed at 9.15pm