


Watch Hill

Baggrow Fletchertown Mealsgate Watch Hill

Allhallows Parish Council

A meeting of the Allhallows Parish Council was held in the Allhallows Centre, Fletchertown, Aspatria on Wednesday 2nd April 2014 at 7.30pm.

PRESENT: Messrs. M. Abbott, DA Tinnion, G. Thompson, A. Turner, S. Barton, R. Bowness and C. Mackenzie.

Also Present: T. Gear (Clerk), B. Finlay (Borough Councillor), and D. Wilson (Borough Councillor)

Apologies were received from S. Read, L. Read, J. Mansfield and J. Lister (County Councillor),

Councillor M. Abbott in the Chair





45/2014 MINUTES

On the proposal of R Bowness and seconded by DA Tinnion and it was RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 5th March 2014 be approved and signed as a correct record.


i) The clerk reported that the three HGV’s that were parked in the Centre Car Park have now been removed.

ii) The clerk gave an update on the Footway Lighting and B Finlay gave a report on  the first meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Meeting at Allerdale Borough Council.

iii) The clerk read a response that had been received from Mr. & Mrs. Pegler regarding the Council owned land at the rear of the Allhallows Centre. It was agreed that the Chair, R Bowness and the clerk meet with Mr. & Mrs. Pegler.


There was no report or apologies from the police.


There were no members of the public and but two letter had been received.

i) A letter had been received from Concerned of Fletchertown making suggestions regarding the Best Kept Competition we noted.

ii) A letter had been received from residents regarding the smell from a Unit on George Moore Industrial Estate that produces Chutney’s and Jam’s. This appears to be also experienced by other residents and it was agreed that the clerk should pass on the complaint to Environmental Protection at Allerdale Borough Council.


i) The April 2014 CALC Circular had been circulated and there were no matters arising.

ii) An estimate had been received from J WE Sewell for a new gate on the small field. On the proposal of R Bowness and seconded by G Thompson it was agreed to accept the estimate.

iii) A request for financial support from All Saints Church had been received for the renovation of the War Memorial. Members were aware of various sources that were available for funding this type of project and it was agreed that the Church should apply to those in the first instance and come back to the Council once their applications have been determined.

iv) An e-mail had been received from S. Read regarding the interference e with a watercourse at Gowrie. D Wilson had attended the site and both he and J Lister had reported the matter to County Highways (Ref 12/1210210)

v) The first instalment of the Precept (£4250.01) had been received.

vi) The Aspatria Rural Partnership Newsletter had been received and circulated to members.

vii) A letter had been received from Denise Rollo, Senior Development Officer requesting to attend a meeting of the Council to discuss her role as Reducing Poverty Officer. It was agreed that Mrs. Rollo attend the next meeting at 7.15pm on 7th May 2014.

viii) A request had been received from Allerdale Borough Council for £350.00 so that they may complete the Dog Control Order for the Recreation Field.

ix) Members had been circulated a consultation document on a draft transparency code for parish councils with a turnover not exceeding £25,000 and assisted the clerk with completion of the questions.

x) A letter from CALC advising that the annual subscription of £152.00 had been received.


C. Mackenzie addressed the meeting and informed members that the committee were seeking funding for a heating upgrade. There is to be a Handbags and Gladrags Event over the Easter Weekend, Bingo on Friday and a sale of oriental rugs etc. on the May Bank Holiday Weekend


D Wilson had attended the Rural Crime Strategy meeting last Wednesday which touched on rural crime and he gave a verbal report. B Finlay gave an update on the Borough Council’s Planning Peer Review the report for which is overdue.


Applications for consultation

2/2014/0159 Alterations and extensions to include raising the roof to provide additional accommodation at first floor level and ground floor extensions to provide front porch and rear sun room. – Avondale, Mealsgate Wigton      No objection



53/2014 ACCOUNTS

The following accounts were approved for payment:-

T Gear   Clerks Account               440.97

HMRC  Income Tax                  78.92

T Gear              Photocopying 19.45

Mr. Raven  Rent for Allotments     150.00

Viking Direct  Stationery        40.16

CALC  Subscription      152.00

Allerdale BC  Dog Control Order      350.00


Balances at        28.2.14 Current Account          £5799.56               

                        28.2.14 Deposit Account          £4,375.33

55/2014 PROJECTS

The latest edition had been distributed

There were currently one unlet allotment due some work being required. One rent remains unpaid and the clerk will chase payment

Estimates for a replacement gate had been received as above

A meeting is to be arranged with S Read to discuss the play area.

The flooding/drainage problems at Gowrie were discussed as above

There was nothing to report regarding the firework incident.

Members were reminded that there was a vacancy and that anybody interested in the position should write to the clerk

All HGV’s had been removed from the Car Park

There had only been one application for the Odd Job Man vacancy. It was decided to advertise in the Binsey Beacon


Parish Newsletter


Play Area

Flooding at Gowrie

Accident at Bonfire


Odd Job man

Apologies for next meeting: D Wilson

The meeting closed at 8.35pm

